Thanks for the Pep Talk

Okay, so I managed to get off my ass and send out one resume today. Thanks for the pep talk Doris. I know you think you don’t say a lot of great things, but all I really want is someone to talk to about my silly and stupid problems.

I went to the library and had to climb 2 flights of stairs. Man, was I out of breath when I got upstairs to where Vicki was. I promptly boot up my computer and put my head down and took a 45 minute nap. I drooled a little too. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Thanks for the Pep Talk”

  1. Well, don’t know how to add the “pep talk” right. excuse me for that.

    As I said, keep looking and smiling. The sky is not falling. Always can relax for a couple of days. But, some days make sure to send one at least, say, 5 resumes a day. That will help.

    Well, Mom and Dad are pretty realistic, we think, that money absolutely cannot buy happiness but it certainly can contribute to security, comfort and convenience.

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