sticker shock.


My dad (surprise!) came back into town today, so to celebrate, I promised to buy him a nice steak.  We rarely eat beef in the house (although we eat plenty outside the house (hamburgers, I’m looking at you)) – so it was kind of a shock how much steak cost.  I mean, I wanted to celebrate, but I didn’t want to go crazy.  So I picked the one on sale (of course).  I didn’t even notice the “happy cow rating” when I bought it, but Jeremy did while he was cooking it and informed me that the cow was rather lowly rated in happiness points.  Oh well.  I acknowledge the two sides that torment each other in my body – the side that wants to better the world and the side that remains a cheapskate.  

I bought two enormous steaks – one for my dad and one for the rest of us to share.  Just a bit of salt and pepper.


Preparing the grill.



Dad picking out which one is his.  It was delicious!  Ruby and Max agree too!


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