
Yesterday, a co-worker of Jeremy’s invited us over to an art gallery where he and his wife were hosting a New Year’s celebration. They called it a Namaste party. It was a nice party – lots of kids for Vince to hang around with (there seemed to be a lot of tackling and wrestling and hide and seeking) and Edda appreciated the clear and wide spaces where she could wander and explore.


Although she almost always headed towards a doorway.


We stayed out until almost 10 pm! A new record for us (Edda did fall asleep around 8 pm). I almost fell asleep at 9:30 pm. Luckily, Jeremy did not fall asleep on the way home as he was our trusty driver.

3 thoughts on “Namaste.”

  1. Namaste to all of you in the new year. BTW-I was sure when I was a kid that when watching Star Trek by 2010 we'd be traveling via transporter. Alas, it is still slow and go on the highway and airway!

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