
This week, Jeremy’s been to a few evening seminars in the city. It seems like I haven’t seen him in 2 days. Last night, we met at a Metro station closer to his destination and traded the kids and cars. He drives the kids into town and then right away I make a U-turn and I drive them out again. The children do not like this – it is a long trip to nowhere. Late, after the seminar is over, he takes the train out to the ‘burbs and drives my car home.

He comes into the bedroom at 10:00pm. The lights are still on, I am almost asleep.

“So how were the kids tonight?”

“Edda fell asleep on the way home. She woke up as I carried her into the house.”


“I was going to try and coax her back to sleep, but I couldn’t because I was starving. Because I’m on this diet.”

“You’re on a diet?”

“Well, kind of. It’s the ‘don’t eat 14 pieces of Halloween candy a day while you are at work sitting on your butt’ diet.”

“Ah, right.”

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